Manage Compute Pools in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

A compute pool represents the compute resources that are used to run your SQL statements. The resources provided by a compute pool are shared among all statements that use it. It enables you to limit or guarantee resources as your use cases require. A compute pool is bound to a region. There is no cost for creating compute pools.

To create a compute pool, you need the OrganizationAdmin, EnvironmentAdmin, or FlinkAdmin RBAC role.

In addition to the Cloud Console, Confluent provides these tools for creating and managing Flink compute pools:

Create a compute pool

  1. In the navigation menu, click Environments, and click the tile for the environment where you want to use Flink SQL.

  2. In the environment details page, click Flink.

  3. In the Flink page, click Compute pools, if it’s not selected already.

  4. Click Create compute pool to open the Create compute pool page.

  5. In the Region dropdown, select the region that hosts the data you want to process with SQL, or use any region if you just want to try out Flink using sample data. Click Continue.

  6. In the Pool name textbox, enter “my-compute-pool”.

  7. In the Max CFUs dropdown, select 10. For more information, see CFUs.


    You can increase the Max CFUs value later, but decreasing Max CFUs is not supported.

  8. Click Continue, and on the Review and create page, click Finish.

    A tile for your compute pool appears on the Flink page. It shows the pool in the Provisioning state. It may take a few minutes for the pool to enter the Running state.


    The tile for your compute pool provides the Confluent CLI command for using the pool from the CLI. Learn more about the CLI in the Flink SQL Shell Quick Start.

View details for a compute pool

  1. In the navigation menu, click Environments, and click the tile for the environment where you use Flink SQL.

  2. In the environment details page, click Flink.

  3. In the Flink page, click Compute pools, if it’s not selected already.

    The available compute pools are listed as tiles, with details like Max CFUs and the cloud provider and region.

  4. If the tile for your compute pool isn’t visible, start typing in the Search pools textbox to filter the view.

  5. Click the tile for your compute pool to open the details page, which shows information like consumption metrics and Flink SQL statements that are associated with the compute pool.

List compute pools

  1. In the navigation menu, click Environments, and click the tile for the environment where you use Flink SQL.

  2. In the environment details page, click Flink.

  3. In the Flink page, click Compute pools, if it’s not selected already.

    The available compute pools are listed as tiles, with details like Max CFUs and the cloud provider and region.

Update a compute pool

You can update the name of the compute pool, its environment, and the MAX_CFUs setting. You can increase the Max CFUs value, but decreasing Max CFUs is not supported.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Environments, and click the tile for the environment where you use Flink SQL.

  2. In the environment details page, click Flink.

  3. In the Flink page, click Compute pools, if it’s not selected already.

  4. In the listed compute pools, find the one you want to update, and click the options icon ().

  5. In the context menu, click either Edit display name or Edit max CFUs and follow the instructions in the dialog.

  6. Click the tile for your compute pool to open the details page.

    In the details page, you can update the compute pool’s description or add metadata tags. Also, you can manage Flink SQL statements that are associated with the compute pool.

Delete a compute pool

  1. In the navigation menu, click Environments, and click the tile for the environment where you want to use Flink SQL.
  2. In the environment details page, click Flink.
  3. In the Flink page, click Compute pools, if it’s not selected already.
  4. In the listed compute pools, find the one you want to delete, and click the options icon ().
  5. In the context menu, click Delete compute pool, and in the dialog, enter the compute pool name to confirm deletion.