Egress Access Point Setup: Snowflake on Azure for Confluent Cloud

This topic presents the steps for configuring the Snowflake Sink connector in Confluent Cloud with Azure Private Link and Egress Access Point.


The following is a list of prerequisites for configuring the Snowflake Sink connector with an Egress Access Point:

  • A Confluent Cloud Dedicated cluster was set up and is running within an Azure Private Link network.
  • A source topic was created to sink data into the Snowflake database.
  • Snowflake instance was created to sink data into and is running within the same region and cloud as the Confluent Cloud cluster.
  • A database and a schema were created in Snowflake to sink data into.
  • Snowflake imposes restrictions on which DNS hostnames can be used to connect. Be sure to use the hostnames mentioned in Azure Private Link and Snowflake.


For added security, you can set up a Network rule within Snowflake to restrict incoming traffic to the specific Private Endpoint setup as part of Egress Access Points.

Step 2. Create an Egress Access Point

  1. In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to EnvironmentNetwork, and select the associated Private link network you want to use.

  2. In the Egress Access Points tab, click Create access point.

  3. Specify the following, and click Save.

    • Name: The name for the Egress Access point.
    • Azure Resource ID: Your Snowflake Private Link Resource ID you received from Snowflake support from previous step.
    • Sub-resource name: Leave it blank as it is only applicable for the 1st party Azure services.

Step 4. Create a DNS record

  1. Obtain the required Domain by running the following within query within Snowflake.

  2. Note down the HOST values for the privatelink-account-url and the regionless-privatelink-account-url KEY values. These are required based on how you want to connect:

    • Connect using Snowflake’s Account Locator (Legacy) URL (<account_name>.<region_id>
    • Connect using Account Name URL (<org_name>-<account_name>
  3. In the Confluent Cloud Console, in the DNS tab, click Create record on the associated Access Point.

  4. Specify the following:

    • Ensure that the correct Access Point is selected and put in the applicable Private Link Snowflake Domain.
    • Access point: Select the Access Point you created in Step #2.
    • Domain: Specify the Domain you retrieved in Snowflake, using one of the below formats.
      • Account Locator (Legacy): <account_name>.<region_id>
      • Account Name: <org_name>-<account_name>
  5. Click Save to create the record.

Step 5. Create the Snowflake Sink connector

  1. Specify the authentication details for Snowflake.

    For Connection URL, specify the Snowflake’s private endpoint URL in one of the two possible formats:

    • Account Locator URL (Legacy): https://<account_name>.<region_id>
    • Account Name URL : https://<org_name>-<account_name>
  2. Follow the steps to create the sink connector in Confluent Cloud.