Handle Multiple Event Types with Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink® provides several ways to work with Kafka topics containing multiple event types. This guide explains how Flink automatically infers and handles different event type patterns, allowing you to query and process mixed event streams effectively.


When working with Kafka topics containing multiple event types, Flink automatically infers table schemas based on the Schema Registry configuration and schema format. The following sections describe the supported approaches in order of recommendation.

Using Schema References

Schema references provide the most robust way to handle multiple event types in a single topic. With this approach, you define a main schema that references other schemas, allowing for modular schema management and independent evolution of event types.

For example, consider a topic that combines purchase and pageview events.

  1. Schema for purchase events.

       "namespace": "io.confluent.developer.avro",
       "fields": [
          {"name": "item", "type":"string"},
          {"name": "amount", "type": "double"},
          {"name": "customer_id", "type": "string"}
  2. Schema for pageview events.

       "namespace": "io.confluent.developer.avro",
       "fields": [
          {"name": "url", "type":"string"},
          {"name": "is_special", "type": "boolean"},
          {"name": "customer_id", "type":  "string"}
  3. Combined schema that references both event types:


When these schemas are registered in Schema Registry and used with the default TopicNameStrategy, Flink automatically infers the table structure. You can see this structure using:

SHOW CREATE TABLE `customer-events`;

Your output will show a table structure that includes columns for both event types:

CREATE TABLE `customer-events` (
  `key` VARBINARY(2147483647),
  `Purchase` ROW<`item` VARCHAR(2147483647), `amount` DOUBLE, `customer_id` VARCHAR(2147483647)>,
  `Pageview` ROW<`url` VARCHAR(2147483647), `is_special` BOOLEAN, `customer_id` VARCHAR(2147483647)>

You can query specific event types using standard SQL. The exact syntax depends on your schema format:

-- Query purchase events
SELECT Purchase.* FROM `customer-events` WHERE Purchase IS NOT NULL;

-- Query pageview events
SELECT Pageview.* FROM `customer-events` WHERE Pageview IS NOT NULL;

Using Union Types

Flink automatically handles union types across different schema formats. With this approach, all event types are defined within a single schema using the format’s native union type mechanism:

  • Avro unions
  • JSON Schema oneOf
  • Protocol Buffer oneOf

For example, consider a schema combining order and shipment events:

   "type": "record",
   "namespace": "io.confluent.examples.avro",
   "name": "AllTypes",
   "fields": [
         "name": "event_type",
         "type": [
               "type": "record",
               "name": "Order",
               "fields": [
                  {"name": "order_id", "type": "string"},
                  {"name": "amount", "type": "double"}
               "type": "record",
               "name": "Shipment",
               "fields": [
                  {"name": "tracking_id", "type": "string"},
                  {"name": "status", "type": "string"}

When using these union types with TopicNameStrategy, Flink automatically creates a table structure based on your schema format. You can see this structure using:


The output shows a table structure that reflects how each format handles unions:

CREATE TABLE `events` (
  `key` VARBINARY(2147483647),
  `event_type` ROW
    `Order` ROW<`order_id` VARCHAR(2147483647) NOT NULL, `amount` DOUBLE NOT NULL>,
    `Shipment` ROW<`tracking_id` VARCHAR(2147483647) NOT NULL, `status` VARCHAR(2147483647) NOT NULL>

You can query specific event types:

-- Query orders
SELECT event_type.Order.* FROM `events` WHERE event_type.Order IS NOT NULL;

-- Query shipments
SELECT event_type.Shipment.* FROM `events` WHERE event_type.Shipment IS NOT NULL;

Using RecordNameStrategy Or TopicRecordNameStrategy Strategies

For topics using RecordNameStrategy or TopicRecordNameStrategy, Flink initially infers a raw binary table:

CREATE TABLE `events` (
  `key` VARBINARY(2147483647),
  `value` VARBINARY(2147483647)

To work with these events, you need to manually configure the table with the appropriate subject names:

  'value.format' = 'avro-registry',
  'value.avro-registry.subject-names' = 'com.example.events.OrderEvent;com.example.events.ShipmentEvent'

If your topic uses keyed messages, you may also need to configure the key format:

  'key.format' = 'avro-registry',
  'key.avro-registry.subject-names' = 'com.example.events.OrderKey'

Replace avro-registry with json-registry or proto-registry based on your schema format.

Best Practices

  1. Use schema references with TopicNameStrategy when possible, as this provides the best balance of flexibility and manageability.
  2. If schema references aren’t suitable, use union types for a simpler schema management approach.
  3. Configure alternative subject name strategies only when working with existing systems that require them.