Dynamic Table Options in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink® supports dynamic table options, or SQL hints, which enable you to specify or override table options dynamically.


To use dynamic table options, employ the following Oracle-style SQL hint syntax:

table_path /*+ OPTIONS(key=val [, key=val]*) */



Dynamic Table Options in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink offer the following benefits:

  • Flexible configuration: Specify table options on a per-statement basis, providing more flexibility than static options as stored in the table definition.
  • Query-specific adjustments: Customize table behavior for individual queries without altering the permanent table definition.


Here are some examples of using dynamic table options in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink:

  • Override scan startup mode for a table:

    SELECT id, name
    FROM table /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='earliest-offset') */;
  • Set options for multiple tables in a join:

    SELECT *
    FROM table1 /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='earliest-offset') */ t1
    JOIN table2 /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='earliest-offset') */ t2
    ON t1.id = t2.id;
  • Set the scan startup mode to use the latest offset:

    SELECT *
    FROM orders /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='latest-offset') */;
  • Set the scan startup mode to use the specific offsets, for example, using the latest_offsets attribute from a previous statement:

    INSERT INTO customers_sink (customer_id, name, address, postcode, city, email)
        SELECT customer_id, name, address, postcode, city, email
        FROM customers_source
        /*+ OPTIONS(
            'scan.startup.mode' = 'specific-offsets',
            'scan.startup.specific-offsets'  = 'partition:0,offset:10;partition:1,offset:123'
        ) */;
    // Note: for a statement with multiple topics, use OPTIONS for each table
    SELECT *
    FROM table1 /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='specific-offsets', 'scan.startup.specific-offsets' = '...') */ t1
    JOIN table2 /*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='specific-offsets', 'scan.startup.specific-offsets' = '...') */ t2
    ON t1.id = t2.id;

State TTL Hints

For stateful computations such as Regular Joins and Group Aggregations, Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink supports the STATE_TTL hint. This hint allows you to specify operator-level Idle State Retention Time, enabling these operators to have a different TTL from the pipeline-level configuration set by sql.state-ttl.


The syntax for using State TTL hints is as follows:

table_path /*+ STATE_TTL('table_name_or_alias'='ttl_value') */

    stringLiteral (e.g., '6h', '2d', '10800s')


Here are some examples of using State TTL hints in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink for social media analytics:

  • Set State TTL for a Regular Join of posts and users:

    SELECT /*+ STATE_TTL('posts'='6h', 'users'='2d') */ *
    FROM posts
    JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id;
  • Use table aliases with State TTL hints for analyzing engagement:

    SELECT /*+ STATE_TTL('p'='4h', 'e'='12h') */ *
    FROM posts p
    JOIN engagement e ON p.post_id = e.post_id;
  • Apply State TTL hints in a Group Aggregation for trending hashtags:

    SELECT /*+ STATE_TTL('hashtags' = '1h') */
           hashtag, COUNT(*) AS usage_count
    FROM hashtags
    GROUP BY hashtag;

Important Considerations

When using State TTL hints, keep the following in mind:

  • You can use either the table name or table alias as the hint key.
  • If you specify an alias for a table, you must use that alias in the STATE_TTL hint.
  • For queries with multiple joins, the specified TTLs are applied in a bottom-up order.
  • The STATE_TTL hint only affects the query block where it’s applied.
  • If a hint key is duplicated, the last occurrence takes precedence.
  • When multiple STATE_TTL hints are used with the same hint key, the first occurrence is applied.