Manage Certificate Identity Pools for mTLS authentication on Confluent Cloud¶
You can create a certificate identity pool to map a client certificate with a Confluent Cloud identity that has granular permissions. By using certificate identity pools, you can enable varying levels of access to your Confluent Cloud resources for different client certificates issued by your Certificate Authority.
You can create, update, and delete certificate identity pools using the Confluent Cloud Console, the Confluent CLI, and the Confluent Cloud APIs. Follow the steps in the following sections to create, describe, list, and delete certificate identity pools for mTLS authentication.
Required RBAC roles: One of the following:
Create a certificate identity pool for mTLS¶
Required RBAC roles: One of the following:
You can create a certificate identity pool for mTLS using the Confluent Cloud Console, the Confluent CLI, and the Confluent Cloud APIs.
To create a certificate identity pool for mTLS:
In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to Account & access, then click Workload identities. Alternatively, click
Select the identity provider that you want to use to create the certificate identity pool.
Click Add identity pool if none exists; otherwise, click Add pool. The New identity pool page displays.
Configure the certificate identity pool using the following fields:
- Name: A name for the certificate identity pool.
- Description: A description for the certificate identity pool.
Under Add identity pool owner, grant the ResourceOwner role to the account that owns the certificate identity pool. This account can manage, edit, assign, and delete this account.
- Account type: Select the account type that owns the certificate identity pool.
- Account: Select the account that owns the certificate identity pool. Select the specific field or combination of fields extracted from certificates to uniquely identify clients during authentication. This value appears in the audit log records.
Note that if you do not specify an account, only OrganizationAdmin and AccountAdmin roles can manage the account after creation.
Under Set filters (required), set up filters to specify which identities can authenticate using your certificate identity pool. For details, see Create CEL Filters for mTLS Authentication on Confluent Cloud.
Click Next. The summary page displays.
Review the confirmation page and then click Validate and save. The certificate identity pool is created and added to the list of certificate is created and added to the list of identity pools.
To create a certificate identity pool for mTLS, use the following CLI command,
replacing the placeholder values with your own values. The certificate identity
pool name and provider are required. If no filter is specified, the filter
defaults to true
, which applies to all valid certificates for the
Certificate Authority.
confluent iam certificate-pool create <cert_identity_pool_name> \
--description "<description>" \
--resource-owner <principal-id> \
--provider <ca-id> \ # Required
--filter "<filter>" \
--external-identifier "<external-identifier>"
The --resource-owner
parameter is recommended if the user is not an
OrganizationAdmin or AccountAdmin. The --resource-owner
specifies the principal ID (user, service account, identity pool, or group
mapping) of the account that will own the certificate identity pool. The
principal ID should not include the prefix (for example, User:
Requires CLI version 4.18.0 or later.
Here is an example:
confluent iam certificate-pool create my-cert-pool \
--description "My certificate identity pool" \
--resource-owner u-111aaa \
--provider ca-1234567890
For details, run the following CLI command:
confluent iam certificate-pool create --help
Make an HTTP POST request to the mTLS certificate identity pool endpoint,
replacing the placeholder values with your own values. For the AssignedResourceOwner
parameter, specify the principal ID (user, service account, identity pool, or group mapping)
that will own the certificate identity pool. The owner will have full management permissions
over the identity pool. If not specified, only OrganizationAdmin and AccountAdmin roles can
manage the pool.
Specify the owner account without the prefix. For example, if the resource owner is
, include AssignedResourceOwner=u-111aaa
in the request.
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"display_name": "<certificate pool name>",
"description": "<description>",
"external_identifier": "<external identifier>"}' \<certificate_authority_id>/identity-pools?AssignedResourceOwner=<resource-owner>
Here’s an example:
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"display_name": "My Certificate Identity Pool",
"description": "Prod Access to Kafka clusters to Release Engineering",
"filter": "true",
"external_identifier": "true"}' \
For details, see the Create a Certificate Identity Pool (API Reference).
Describe a certificate identity pool for mTLS¶
Get the details of a certificate identity pool for mTLS.
To describe a certificate identity pool for mTLS:
- In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to Account & access, then click Workload identities. Alternatively, click
- Click the name of the certificate identity pool. The Overview page displays.
To describe a certificate identity pool for mTLS, use the following CLI command, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
confluent iam certificate-pool describe <certificate-pool-id> \
--provider <ca-id>
For details, run the following CLI command:
confluent iam certificate-pool describe --help
Make an HTTP GET request to the mTLS certificate identity pool endpoint with a specified certificate identity pool ID, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>' \
For details, see the Get a Certificate Identity Pool (API Reference).
List certificate identity pools for mTLS¶
Get a list of the certificate identity pools for mTLS.
To see a list of your certificate identity pools for mTLS:
- In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to Account & access, then click Workload identities. Alternatively, click
- Click the name of the certificate authority you want to see the certificate identity pools for. The Certificate Authority details page displays.
For the list of certificate identity pools, see the Identity pools section. The list of certificate identity pools includes the following details:
- Name
- Pool ID
- Description
To see the details of a specific certificate identity pool, click the name of the certificate identity pool. The certificate identity pool details page displays. Click the name of the certificate identity pool to see the details.
To list the certificate identity pools for mTLS, use the following CLI command, the placeholder values with your own values.
confluent iam certificate-pool list \
--provider <ca-id>
For details, run the following CLI command:
confluent iam certificate-pool list --help
Make an HTTP GET request to the mTLS certificate identity pool endpoint, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>' \
For details, see the List of Certificate Identity Pools (API Reference).
Update a certificate identity pool for mTLS¶
Update the details of a certificate identity pool for mTLS, such as the provider, description, name, filter, and external identifier.
To update the details of a certificate identity pool for mTLS:
- In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to Account & access, then click Workload identities. Alternatively, click
- Click the name of the certificate authority containing the identity pool you want to update.
- Click the name of the certificate identity pool you want to update. The Overview page displays.
- Click Edit next to any of the following fields to modify them:
- Name: Update the name of the certificate identity pool
- Description: Modify the description
- Filter: Update the filter expression that determines which certificates can authenticate
- External identifier: Change how clients are identified in audit logs
- To modify permissions:
- Click Edit existing access in the Access section
- Add or remove role bindings as needed
- Click Save to apply the permission changes
- To update the identity pool owner:
- Click Edit in the Identity pool owner section
- Select a new account type and account
- Click Save to apply the ownership change
- Review your changes and click Save to apply all modifications and return to the Certificate Authority page.
Note: Some fields may be read-only depending on your access level. Only identity pool owners, OrganizationAdmins, and AccountAdmins can modify certain settings.
To update the details of a certificate identity pool for mTLS, use the following CLI command, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
confluent iam certificate-pool update <certificate-pool-id> \
--provider <ca-id> \ # Required
--name <certificate-pool-name> \
--display-name <display-name> \
--description <description> \
--filter <filter> \
--external-identifier <external-identifier>
Make an HTTP PUT request to the mTLS certificate identity pool endpoint with a specified certificate identity pool ID, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"display_name":"My Certificate Identity Pool","description":"Prod Access to Kafka clusters to Release Engineering"} \
For details, see the Update a Certificate Identity Pool (API Reference).
Delete a certificate identity pool for mTLS¶
Delete a certificate identity pool for mTLS.
To delete a certificate identity pool for mTLS:
- In the Confluent Cloud Console, go to Account & access, then click Workload identities. Alternatively, click
- Click the name of the certificate authority you want to delete the certificate identity pool for. The Certificate Authority details page displays.
- Hover over the name of the certificate identity pool you want to delete and click the trash icon to delete the certificate identity pool.
The certificate identity pool is deleted.
To delete a certificate identity pool for mTLS, use the following CLI command, the placeholder values with your own values.
confluent iam certificate-pool delete <certificate-pool-id>
For details, run the following CLI command:
confluent iam certificate-pool delete --help
Make a DELETE request to the mTLS certificate identity pool endpoint with a specified certificate identity pool ID, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: <Basic or Bearer Auth>' \
For details, see the `Delete a Certificate Identity Pool (API Reference) <>`__.
Using multiple certificate identity pools¶
When you use multiple certificate identity pools to map client certificates to granular permissions, here are some important considerations to keep in mind:
- If multiple certificate identity pools are mapped, the client receives a union-of-permissions of all the mapped identity pools.
If a client certificate matches multiple certificate identity pools with different external identifier claims, the external identifier is prioritized as follows:
Priority External identifier Maximum length 1 CN 255 characters 2 DN 255 characters 3 Serial number 4 SAN 255 characters 5 SHA-1 fingerprint Note: If the CN, DN, or SAN exceeds 255 characters, the values used are truncated to 255 characters.