Combine Streams and Track Most Recent Records with Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

When working with streaming data, it’s common to need to combine information from multiple sources while tracking the most recent record data. Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink®️ provides powerful capabilities to merge streams and maintain up-to-date information for each record, regardless of which stream it originated from.

In this guide, you learn how to run a Flink SQL statement that combines multiple data streams and keeps track of the most recent information for each record by using window functions. While this example uses order and clickstream data, the pattern can be applied to any number of streams that share a common identifier.

This topic shows the following steps:


  • Access to Confluent Cloud.
  • The OrganizationAdmin, EnvironmentAdmin, or FlinkAdmin role for creating compute pools, or the FlinkDeveloper role if you already have a compute pool. If you don’t have the appropriate role, contact your OrganizationAdmin or EnvironmentAdmin. For more information, see Grant Role-Based Access in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink.
  • A provisioned Flink compute pool.

Step 1: Inspect the example source streams

In this step, you examine the read-only orders and clicks tables in the examples.marketplace database to identify:

  • The common identifier field that links the streams
  • The unique fields from each stream that you want to track
  1. Log in to Confluent Cloud and navigate to your Flink workspace.

  2. Examine your source streams. The following example includes orders and clicks:

    -- First stream
    SELECT * FROM `examples`.`marketplace`.`orders`;
    -- Second stream
    SELECT * FROM `examples`.`marketplace`.`clicks`;

    Your output from orders should resemble:

    order_id                                customer_id   product_id  price
    be396ae5-d7d9-4454-99d7-9b1c155d51d4    3243          1304        99.55
    79e295d3-5a0b-4127-9337-9a483794e7d4    3132          1201        21.43
    9b59d319-c37a-4088-a803-350d43bc5382    3099          1271        66.70
    8aaa9d8e-d8f7-4bb5-9d59-ce4d0cfc9a92    3181          1028        76.23
    e681fa67-3a1e-4e99-ba03-da9fb5d12845    3186          1212        69.67
    89ba7186-f927-462b-860a-68b8c9d51a06    3238          1336        76.89
    ebfec6c6-3294-444b-82e5-5a66e7dc5cd5    3233          1223        23.69

    Your output from clicks should resemble:

    click_id                             user_id url                                user_agent                                                                      view_time
    a5c31d8b-cc93-4a48-a7d9-c1d389c83f4a 3099 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0 79
    b7d42e6f-85a1-4f7b-b1c2-d3e456789abc 3262 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46           108
    c8e53f7a-96b2-4a8c-c2d3-e4f567890def 3181 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)                              33
    d9f64g8b-a7c3-4b9d-d3e4-f5g678901hij 4882 Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14                       99
    e74441b6-09da-4113-b8f9-db12cee90c77 3500 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/6...       116
    f39236ac-2646-4e5d-bab2-cd4445630529 4360 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)                       52
    3f3b06df-aa2b-417e-833e-ccc232536c4a 4171 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) C...        82
    ee9fe475-5420-410d-90ae-47987eba32d5 4095 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/1...        119
    e75faa6f-78d3-45e0-817e-1338381f53a2 4904 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like ...         36
    77c6acbb-eb71-4a49-96e5-714f8b024c98 4681 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko GranParadiso/3...    67

Step 2: Create a unified view with most recent records

Run the following statement to combine multiple streams while tracking the most recent information for each record:

-- This query combines order and click data, tracking the latest values
-- for each customer's interactions across both datasets

-- First, combine order data and clickstream data into a single structure
-- Note: Fields not present in one source are filled with NULL
WITH combined_data AS (
  -- Orders data with empty click-related fields
    CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS url,        -- Click-specific fields set to NULL
    CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS user_agent, -- for order records
    CAST(NULL AS INT) AS view_time,
  FROM `examples`.`marketplace`.`orders`
  -- Click data with empty order-related fields
    user_id AS customer_id,             -- Normalize user_id to match customer_id
    CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS order_id,   -- Order-specific fields set to NULL
    CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS product_id, -- for click records
  FROM `examples`.`marketplace`.`clicks`
-- For each customer, maintain the latest value for each field
-- using window functions over the combined dataset
  LAST_VALUE(customer_id) OVER w AS customer_id,
  LAST_VALUE(order_id) OVER w AS order_id,
  LAST_VALUE(product_id) OVER w AS product_id,
  LAST_VALUE(price) OVER w AS price,
  LAST_VALUE(url) OVER w AS url,
  LAST_VALUE(user_agent) OVER w AS user_agent,
  LAST_VALUE(view_time) OVER w AS view_time,
  MAX($rowtime) OVER w AS rowtime      -- Track the latest event timestamp
FROM combined_data
-- Define window for tracking latest values per customer
  PARTITION BY customer_id             -- Group all events by customer
  ORDER BY $rowtime                    -- Order by event timestamp
  ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING     -- Consider all previous events
    AND CURRENT ROW                    -- up to the current one

Your output should resemble:

customer_id  order_id                               product_id  price    url                                user_agent                                                                         view_time rowtime
3243         be396ae5-d7d9-4454-99d7-9b1c155d51d4   1304        99.55    NULL                               NULL                                                                               NULL      2024-10-22T08:21:07.620Z
3132         79e295d3-5a0b-4127-9337-9a483794e7d4   1201        21.43    NULL                               NULL                                                                               NULL      2024-10-22T08:21:07.640Z
3099         9b59d319-c37a-4088-a803-350d43bc5382   1271        66.7 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0    79        2024-10-22T08:21:07.600Z
3262         NULL                                   NULL        NULL Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46              108       2024-10-22T08:21:07.637Z
3181         8aaa9d8e-d8f7-4bb5-9d59-ce4d0cfc9a92   1028        76.23 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)                                 33        2024-10-22T08:21:07.656Z
3186         e681fa67-3a1e-4e99-ba03-da9fb5d12845   1212        69.67    NULL                               NULL                                                                               NULL      2024-10-22T08:21:07.660Z
4882         NULL                                   NULL        NULL Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14                          99        2024-10-22T08:21:07.676Z
3238         89ba7186-f927-462b-860a-68b8c9d51a06   1336        76.89    NULL                               NULL                                                                               NULL      2024-10-22T08:21:07.679Z
3233         ebfec6c6-3294-444b-82e5-5a66e7dc5cd5   1223        23.69    NULL                               NULL                                                                               NULL      2024-10-22T08:21:07.699Z

This pattern works by:

  1. Using a Common Table Expression (CTE) to combine all streams
  2. Setting fields not present in each stream to NULL
  3. Using window functions to track the most recent data for each field
  4. Partitioning by the common identifier to group related records
  5. Ordering by the watermark timestamp ($rowtime) to ensure proper temporal sequencing

You can adapt this pattern by:

  • Adding more streams to the UNION ALL
  • Changing the common identifier field in the PARTITION BY clause
  • Modifying the selected fields based on your needs
  • Using a custom defined watermark strategy

Key considerations

When applying this pattern, consider:

  • All streams must have a common identifier field
  • Timestamp fields should be consistent across streams
  • NULL handling may need adjustment based on your use case


While it might seem natural to use a JOIN to combine data from multiple streams, the UNION ALL approach shown in this pattern offers several important advantages for streaming use cases.

Consider what would happen with a join-based approach:

  COALESCE(o.customer_id, c.user_id) as customer_id,
FROM orders o
ON o.customer_id = c.user_id

This join would need to maintain state for both streams to match records, leading to several challenges in a streaming context:

State management and performance

When using a join, Flink must maintain state for both sides of the join operation to match records. This state grows over time as new records arrive, consuming more resources. In contrast, the UNION ALL pattern simply combines records as they arrive, without needing to maintain state for matching.

Handling late-arriving data

With a join, if a click record arrives late, Flink would need to match it against all historical order records for that customer. Similarly, a late order would need to be matched against historical clicks. This can lead to reprocessing of historical data and potential out-of-order results. The UNION ALL pattern handles each record independently, making late-arriving data much simpler to process.

Append-only output

The combination of UNION ALL with window functions produces an append-only output stream, where each record contains the complete latest state for a customer at the time of each event. When materializing these results, you can:

  • Use an append-only table to maintain the history of how each customer’s state changed over time
  • Use an upsert table to maintain only the current state for each customer

For example, when new events arrive for customer 3099 (first an order, then a click):

customer_id  order_id                                product_id  price    url                                        user_agent                                                                          view_time  rowtime
3099         e681fa67-3a1e-4e99-ba03-da9fb5d12845    1424        89.99    NULL                                       NULL                                                                                NULL       2024-10-22T08:21:08.620Z
3099         e681fa67-3a1e-4e99-ba03-da9fb5d12845    1424        89.99         Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0     45         2024-10-22T08:21:09.620Z

Each event produces a new output record with the complete latest state for that customer.

In contrast, a join produces a changelog output where existing records may be updated, requiring downstream systems to handle inserts, updates, and deletions.