Example Data Streams in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink® provides an Examples catalog that has mock data streams you can use for experimenting with Flink SQL queries.

  • The examples catalog is available in all environments.
  • All example tables have $rowtime available as a system column. The SOURCE_WATERMARK() strategy for example tables is different than the SOURCE_WATERMARK() strategy Kafka-based tables. For the example tables, the SOURCE_WATAERMARK() corresponds to the maximum timestamp seen to this point.
  • You can use example data in Flink workspaces, Flink shell, Terraform, and all other clients.
  • Example data is read-only, so you can’t use INSERT INTO/ALTER/DROP/CREATE statements on these tables, the database, or the catalog.
  • SHOW statements work for the database, catalog, and tables.
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE works for the example tables.

Publish to a Kafka topic

You can publish any of the example streams to a Kafka topic by creating a Flink table and populating it with the INSERT INTO FROM SELECT statement. Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink creates a Kafka topic automatically for the table.

  1. Run the following statements to create and populate a customers_source table with the examples.marketplace.customers stream.

    CREATE TABLE customers_source (
      customer_id INT,
      name STRING,
      address STRING,
      postcode STRING,
      city STRING,
      email STRING,
      PRIMARY KEY (customer_id) NOT ENFORCED
    INSERT INTO customers_source(
    SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers;
  2. Run the following statement to inspect the customers_source table:

    SELECT * FROM customers_source;

    Your output should resemble:

    customer_id name                  address                postcode city               email
    3172        Roseanna Bode         6744 Kacy Bypass       22635    Margarettborough   rico.zboncak@yahoo.com
    3055        Josiah Morissette PhD 61799 Friesen Islands  14194    North Abbybury     thomas.dach@gmail.com
    3177        Buddy Hill            6836 Graham Street     72767    South Earnest      enoch.turcotte@hotmail.com
  3. Navigate to the Environments page, and in the navigation menu, click Data portal.

  4. In the Data portal page, click the dropdown menu and select the environment for your workspace.

  5. In the Recently created section, find your customers_source topic and click it to open the details pane.

  6. Click View all messages to open the Message viewer on the customers_source topic.

  7. Observe the example data from the examples.marketplace.customers flowing into the Kafka topic.


The INSERT INTO statement runs continuously until you stop it manually. Free resources in your compute pool by deleting the long-running statement when you’re done.

Marketplace database

The marketplace database provides streams that simulate commerce-related data. The marketplace database has these tables:

  • clicks: simulates a stream of user clicks on a web page.
  • customers: simulates a stream of customers who order products.
  • orders: simulates a stream of orders.
  • products: simulates a stream of products that a customer has ordered.

clicks table

To access the clicks example stream, use the fully qualified string, examples.marketplace.clicks in your queries.

The clicks table has the following schema:

  click_id STRING, -- UUID
  user_id INT, -- range between 3000 and 5000
  url STRING, -- regex https://www[.]acme[.]com/product/[a-z]{5}
  user_agent STRING, -- set by the datafaker Internet class
  view_time INT -- range between 10 and 120

The user_agent field is assigned by the datafaker Internet class.

Run the following statement to inspect the clicks data stream:

SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.clicks;

Your output should resemble:

click_id                             user_id url                                user_agent                                                           view_time
23add2ce-da47-47c1-925a-f7c1def06f0c 3278    https://www.acme.com/product/mqwpg Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like … 11
b81dc020-5ad2-493f-8175-d3e50e40f411 4919    https://www.acme.com/product/vycnj Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)… 58
b62ae975-0f5d-4e87-9cbe-45b7661ad327 3461    https://www.acme.com/product/pghkm Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML… 105

customers table

To access the customers example stream, use the fully qualified string, examples.marketplace.customers in your queries.

The customers table has the following schema:

CREATE TABLE customers (
  customer_id INT, -- range between 3000 and 3250
  name STRING, -- set by the datafaker Name class
  address STRING, -- set by the datafaker Address class
  postcode STRING, -- set by the datafaker Address class
  city STRING, -- set by the datafaker Address class
  email STRING, -- set by the datafaker Internet class

Run the following statement to inspect the customers data stream:

SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers;

Your output should resemble:

customer_id name                 address                postcode city               email
3023        Ellsworth Price      0644 Mara Drive        29407    Emilyhaven         sheldon.sipes@gmail.com
3003        Jayme Buckridge      320 Schumm Green       38752    Schowalterchester  johnsie.hane@yahoo.com
3010        Les Beier            7032 Gerda Road        66841    Deckowside         minnie.becker@hotmail.com

orders table

To access the orders example stream, use the fully qualified string, examples.marketplace.orders in your queries.

The customer_id and product_id are suitable for joins with the customers and products streams.

  order_id STRING, -- UUID
  customer_id INT, -- range between 3000 and 3250
  product_id INT, -- range between 1000 and 1500
  price DOUBLE -- range between 0.00 and 100.00

Run the following statement to inspect the orders data stream:

SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.orders;

Your output should resemble:

order_id                             customer_id product_id price
36d77b21-e68f-4123-b87a-cc19ac1f36ac 3137        1305       65.71
7fd3cd2a-392b-4f8f-b953-0bfa1d331354 3063        1327       17.75
1a223c61-38a5-4b8c-8465-2a6b359bf05e 3064        1166       14.95

Run the following statement to join the orders data stream with the customers and products streams. The query shows the name of the customer, and the product name, and the price of the order.

  examples.marketplace.customers.name AS customer_name,
  examples.marketplace.products.name AS product_name,
FROM examples.marketplace.products
JOIN examples.marketplace.orders ON examples.marketplace.products.product_id = examples.marketplace.orders.product_id
JOIN examples.marketplace.customers ON examples.marketplace.customers.customer_id = examples.marketplace.orders.customer_id;

Your output should resemble:

customer_name       product_name              price
Mr. Lexie Collins   Fantastic Rubber Car      32.76
Lyle Spencer        Synergistic Leather Clock 21.28
Mrs. Candida Howe   Lightweight Silk Hat      35.38
Colette Ebert       Sleek Steel Keyboard      92.22

products table

To access the products example stream, use the fully qualified string, examples.marketplace.products in your queries.

CREATE TABLE products (
  product_id INT, -- range between 1000 and 1500
  name STRING, -- set by the datafaker Commerce class
  brand STRING, -- set by the datafaker Commerce class
  vendor STRING, -- set by the datafaker Commerce class
  department STRING, -- set by the datafaker Commerce class

The product fields are assigned by the datafaker Commerce class.

Run the following statement to inspect the products data stream:

SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.products;

Your output should resemble:

product_id name                        brand   vendor         department
1440       Enormous Aluminum Keyboard  LG      Dollar General Garden & Movies
1404       Practical Plastic Computer  Adidas  Target         Outdoors
1132       Gorgeous Paper Watch        Samsung Amazon         Home, Kids & Movies