Notifications for Confluent Cloud

You can manage notifications for account, billing and service events with the Confluent Cloud Console or with a REST API. Additionally you can configure how you are notified for some of the notification types.

For Required and Recommended notification types, notifications are sent by email to users directly assigned the OrganizationAdmin role. Users granted the OrganizationAdmin role through group mappings are not sent notifications. All other RBAC roles have read-only access to notifications.

For notifications, you should understand the following terms:

  • Notification type: The type of notification based on the Confluent Cloud event that has occurred. Each notification type defines a condition that must be met, and they are categorized by Account, Billing and Licensing, and Service, and they can be filtered by by severity level. For example, a Dedicated cluster shrink failure is a warning-level service notification type.
  • Integration: Describes the configured notification channel for sending a notification event: Email, Microsoft Teams, Slack or a generic Webhook. The default integration is email, and notifications are sent to the organization’s admin or if using RBAC, users that have the OrganizationAdmin role.
  • Subscription: Represents the association of a notification type to an integration channel. A user creates subscriptions for a particular notification type and as a result is notified through the integration channels they have configured for that subscription.

You can view the current notification subscriptions and configure additional integrations and subscriptions to those integrations using the Confluent Cloud Console or a REST API. For example, you can configure a Slack integration, and then subscribe to this integration for a Kafka cluster shrink failure notification type.

See a list of subscriptions

You can view the your notification integrations and subscriptions in the Cloud Console or by making a GET call to the REST API.

To see a list of notification subscriptions and integrations you have currently configured access the Manage notifications page by clicking the Alert bell icon in the upper right of the console.

Alert bell icon for notifications

Subscriptions can filtered by:

  • Category
  • Severity level
  • Integration
  • Whether the subscription is Enabled or not

Configure integrations and subscriptions

You can configure Slack, Microsoft Teams or generic webhook integrations for some notification types if you are an organization admin, or if using RBAC, you have OrganizationAdmin access to the Confluent Cloud account.

Microsoft Teams transitions to new URL structure for webhooks

Microsoft Teams is transitioning to a new URL structure for webhooks. You must update webhooks for your existing integrations and create new-style webhooks for future integrations. For more information, see Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams. To learn how to update existing webhooks, use the steps in the previous link or see, Update connectors URL from the Microsoft Teams documentation.

To configure an integration and subscribe to a notification type for that integration:

  1. Sign in to Confluent Cloud, and click the Alert bell icon to display the Manage notifications page.

  2. Hover on a notification type, and click the edit icon.

    Confluent Cloud notification edit icon


    Some notifications are not configurable. In these cases, the edit icon does not appear.

  3. Check to enable or uncheck to disable the subscriptions. You can also configure a new integration.

    • Email - Enter one or more roles or users to receive notification emails. Email will be checked by default for Recommended and Required notification types, and the OrganizationAdmin role configured by default to receive emails.
    • Webhook - To add a new integration, click Add a webhook URL and enter a Name for the integration and the Webhook URL.

    The webhook will receive messages in the following format:

       id: string [required]
       title: string
       message: string
       created_at: string
    • Slack - To add a new integration, click add a slack URL and enter a Name for the integration, such as the channel or team name that will receive the notification, and the Slack URL.
    • Microsoft Teams - To add a new integration, click add a Microsoft Teams URL and enter a Name for the integration, such as the channel or team name that will receive the notification, and the Microsoft Teams URL.
  4. Click Verify for each URL you enter, and Confluent Cloud will send a test message to the URL. Once a URL is verified, you can click Save to save the integration, and check it to add a subscription using that integration.

    If the URL cannot be verified, you cannot save your changes.

  5. Once you have selected integrations and successfully added and selected a URL for each integration, under Test and Finish. Click Update to save your changes.

Connector notifications

The Confluent Cloud Console allows you to enable/disable notifications for connectors using the connector notification service feature.


If you enable this feature, Confluent Cloud sends a notification to your desired notification channel(s)–email, Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Generic Webhook–when the connector transitions from/to either one of the following states:

Each notification message includes the following content:

  • Status of the connector (Running, Failed, or Degraded)
  • Connector name
  • Connector ID
  • Cluster ID

You can troubleshoot any issue further by clicking View connector from the message content as shown in the following example:


State transitions and notification types

The following sections describe connector state transitions and their notification types.

Provisioning to Running

When you first launch a connector, it enters into the PROVISIONING state. If the connector launches successfully, the connector state changes to RUNNING. Once this occurs, Confluent Cloud sends you a notification about the new connector to the selected notification channel(s) denoting the connector is up and running.

Provisioning to Failed

The connector can transition from PROVISIONING to RUNNING state for several reasons, including:

  • A system error
  • The connector failed to start due to an error
  • API keys resource-scoped for Kafka clusters are not propagated to Data Plane
  • Schema Registry role bindings are not propagated to Data Plane

If any of these situations occur, Confluent Cloud sends a notification message to your desired notification channel(s) denoting the connector failed.

Running to Failed

If all connector tasks fail, the connector enters into the FAILED state. A running connector can go into FAILED state for a number of reasons, including:

  • Configuration validation errors
  • Network connectivity issues

In any of these situations occur, Confluent Cloud sends a notification message to your desired notification channel(s) denoting the connector failed.

Running to Degraded

If some tasks go unassigned while the connector is running, the connector goes from RUNNING state to DEGRADED. In this case, Confluent Cloud sends a notification message to your desired notification channel(s) denoting the connector degraded.

Notification severity levels

The following table describes the severity levels for notifications.

State Summary Description
Critical Highly recommended actions High impact notifications which need immediate attention. Address these notifications with priority.
Warn Potential future issues Warning notifications you can address now or later.
Info Informational events Informational notifications about the normal operation of your cluster.

Required notifications

The following table describes required notifications.

Severity level Category Description
Critical Account Organization has been suspended (end of free trial).
Critical Service Access to a customer-managed encryption key (BYOK) has been disrupted.
Warn Billing and licensing Free usage is 80% consumed or free usage expires in 3 days.
Warn Security SAML certificate is expiring soon.
Warn Security Organization Admin Role Binding Granted.
Warn Security Organization Admin Email Changed.

Optional notifications

The following table describes optional notifications.

Severity level Category Description
Info Billing and licensing 30 days have elapsed since org was created.
Info Billing and licensing 50% or more of free trial usage consumed.
Critical Service Kafka cluster expansion failure.
Critical Service Cloud Service Quota reached 100% usage.
Critical Service Connector in FAILED state.
Critical Service Flink statement failure.
Critical Service Running Flink statement transitioned to Pending.
Warn Service Kafka cluster shrink failure.
Warn Service Cloud Service Quota surpassed 90% usage.
Warn Service Flink statement degraded
Warn Service Flink statement auto-stopped.
Info Service Kafka cluster expansion complete.
Info Service Kafka cluster shrink complete.
Info Service Cloud Service Quota surpassed 50% usage.
Info Service Connector state transition from PROVISIONING to RUNNING.