Optimize Egress Costs with Follower Fetching on Confluent Cloud using AWS VPC Peering

In Confluent Cloud, available through AWS Marketplace or directly from Confluent, the cross-zone traffic costs are split between Confluent and you. You can reduce your AWS egress bandwidth costs by configuring your clients to consume from the nearest follower, instead of the leader.

This “fetch from follower” feature is available in Confluent Cloud based on the Kafka Improvement Proposal (KIP) 392. If you configure clients to use this feature, clients consume from replicas in the same Availability Zone (AZ) and reduce cross-zone egress charges on your AWS networking.

How it works

In AWS, data transfer over a virtual private cloud (VPC) peering connection that stays within an Availability Zone is free. However, by default, clients connect to the leader Kafka replica. In a multi-zone cluster that means that clients make expensive cross-zone calls.

Clients making cross-zone calls

To get the benefit of fetch from followers, you do the following:

  • Distribute clients across all Availability Zones
  • Configure clients to fetch from followers in the local Availability Zone
Clients configured to fetch from follower

Use Confluent Cloud Metrics API to identify clients not configured to fetch from follower.


Configure clients

Some things to consider about client configuration:

  • Distribute your clients across all the Availability Zones for your cluster
  • The Availability Zone ID in your client configuration must match exactly the Availability Zone ID in the Confluent Cloud Console
  • Availability Zone ID (use2-az1) is different from an Availability Zone name (us-east-1a)
  • After you configure and deploy clients, use the metrics API to ensure your clients are making calls in the same zones as followers
  • Clients should have unique principal IDs to simplify tracking

To configure your clients to use this optimization, set the client.rack property to use one of the AWS zones listed for your network.


Availability Zone IDs vs. Availability Zone names

Use the Availability Zone ID (use2-az1) to identify your Availability Zone and not the Availability Zone name (us-east-1a). AWS generates Availability Zone names randomly for each AWS account. Availability Zone ID are constant across all accounts. For more information, see Availability Zone IDs for your AWS resources.

Use the Metrics API to find clients not yet configured

Use Confluent Cloud Metrics API to query io.confluent.kafka.server/response_bytes. Group the query with the metric.zone_alignment and metric.principal_id labels to determine how clients connected to your cluster are utilizing bandwidth.

Possible metric.zone_alignment values:

  • CROSS_ZONE - some cross zone traffic might be necessary to contact the leader
  • SAME_ZONE - the client is using the same zone to communicate with a replica
  • UNKNOWN - the client.rack property is not configured for this client

For more information on the Confluent Cloud Metrics API, see API Reference.

How to query

Group the metric.zone_alignment and metric.principal_id labels to filter io.confluent.kafka.server/response_bytes.

  1. Create a file named metric_zone_alignment.json using the following template. Be sure to change lkc-XXXXX and the timestamp values to match your needs.

       "aggregations": [
             "metric": "io.confluent.kafka.server/response_bytes"
       "filter": {
          "op": "AND",
          "filters": [
             "field": "resource.kafka.id",
             "op": "EQ",
             "value": "lkc-XXXXX"
             "field": "metric.type",
             "op": "EQ",
             "value": "Fetch"
       "group_by": [
       "granularity": "PT30M",
       "intervals": [
       "limit": 1000
  2. Submit the query as a POST using the following command. Be sure to change API_KEY and SECRET to match your environments.

    http 'https://api.telemetry.confluent.cloud/v2/metrics/cloud/query' --auth '<API_KEY>:<SECRET>' < metric_zone_alignment.json

    Your output should resemble:

       "timestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
       "value": 76,
       "metric.principal_id": "sa-abc123",
       "metric.zone_alignment": "CROSS_ZONE"
       "timestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
       "value": 11535077,
       "metric.principal_id": "sa-456xxx",
       "metric.zone_alignment": "SAME_ZONE"
       "timestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
       "value": 7340578,
       "metric.principal_id": "sa-xyz123",
       "metric.zone_alignment": "UNKNOWN"

Next steps

Try Confluent Cloud on AWS Marketplace with $1000 of free usage for 30 days, and pay as you go. No credit card is required.