Transform a Topic with Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink® enables generating a transformed topic from an input topic’s properties, like partition count, key, serialization format, and field names, with only a few clicks.

In this guide, you create a Flink table and apply a transformation that creates an output topic with these changes:

  • Rename a field
  • Specify a bucket key
  • Change the key and value serialization format
  • Specify a different partition count

The Transform Topic action creates a Flink SQL statement for you, but no knowledge of Flink SQL is required to use it.

This guide shows the following steps:


  • Access to Confluent Cloud.
  • The OrganizationAdmin, EnvironmentAdmin, or FlinkAdmin role for creating compute pools, or the FlinkDeveloper role if you already have a compute pool. If you don’t have the appropriate role, contact your OrganizationAdmin or EnvironmentAdmin. For more information, see Grant Role-Based Access in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink.
  • A provisioned Flink compute pool.

Step 1: Create a users table

  1. Log in to Confluent Cloud and navigate to your Flink workspace.

  2. Run the following statement to create a users table.

    -- Create a users table.
    CREATE TABLE users (
      user_id STRING,
      registertime BIGINT,
      gender STRING,
      regionid STRING
  3. Insert rows with mock data into the users table.

    -- Populate the table with mock users data.
      ('Thomas A. Anderson', 1677260724, 'male', 'Region_4'),
      ('Trinity', 1677260733, 'female', 'Region_4'),
      ('Morpheus', 1677260742, 'male', 'Region_8'),
      ('Dozer', 1677260823, 'male', 'Region_1'),
      ('Agent Smith', 1677260955, 'male', 'Region_0'),
      ('Persephone', 1677260901, 'female', 'Region_2'),
      ('Niobe', 1677260921, 'female', 'Region_3'),
      ('Zee', 1677260922, 'female', 'Region_5');
  4. Inspect the inserted rows.

    SELECT * FROM users;

    Your output should resemble:

    user_id            registertime gender regionid
    Thomas A. Anderson 1677260724   male   Region_4
    Trinity            1677260733   female Region_4
    Morpheus           1677260742   male   Region_8
    Dozer              1677260823   male   Region_1
    Agent Smith        1677260955   male   Region_0
    Persephone         1677260901   female Region_2
    Niobe              1677260921   female Region_3
    Zee                1677260922   female Region_5

Step 2: Apply the Transform Topic action

In the previous step, you created a Flink table and populated it with a few rows. In this step, you apply the Transform Topic action to create a transformed output table.

  1. Navigate to the Environments page, and in the navigation menu, click Data portal.

  2. In the Data portal page, click the dropdown menu and select the environment for your workspace.

  3. In the Recently created section, find your users topic and click it to open the details pane.

  4. In the details pane, click Actions, and in the Actions list, click Transform topic to open the dialog.

  5. In the Action details section, set up the transformation.

    • user_id field: select the Key field checkbox.
    • registertime field: enter registration_time.
    • Partition count property: enter 3.
    • Serialization format property: select JSON Schema.

    By default, the name of the transformed topic is users_transform, and you can change this as desired.

  6. In the Runtime configuration section, configure how the transformation statement will run.

    • (Optional) Select the Flink compute pool to run the embedding query. The current compute pool is selected as the default.

    • (Optional) Select Run with a service account for production jobs. The service account you select must have the EnvironmentAdmin role to create topics, schemas, and run Flink statements.

    • (Optional) Select Show SQL to view the Flink statement that does the transformation work.

      Your Flink SQL should resemble:

      CREATE TABLE `your-env`.`your-cluster`.`users_transform`
          'value.format' = 'json-registry',
          'key.format' = 'json-registry'
      ) AS SELECT
          `registertime` as `registration_time`,
      FROM `your-env`.`your-cluster`.`users`;
  7. Click Confirm and run to run the transformation statement.

    A Summary page displays the result of the job submission, showing the statement name and other details.

Step 3: Inspect the transformed topic

  1. In the Summary page, click the Output topic link for the users_transform topic, and in the topic’s details pane, click Query to open a Flink workspace.

  2. Run the following statement to view the rows in the users_transform table. Note the renamed registration_time column.

    SELECT * FROM `users_transform`;

    Click Stop to end the statement.

  3. Run the following command to confirm that the user_id field in the transformed table is a key field.

    DESCRIBE `users_source_transform`;

    Your output should resemble:

    |    Column Name    | Data Type | Nullable |   Extras   |
    | user_id           | STRING    | NULL     | BUCKET KEY |
    | registration_time | BIGINT    | NULL     |            |
    | gender            | STRING    | NULL     |            |
    | regionid          | STRING    | NULL     |            |
  4. Run the following command to confirm the serialization format and partition count on the transformed topic.

    SHOW CREATE TABLE `users_source_transform`;

    Your output should resemble:

    CREATE TABLE `your-env`.`your-cluster`.`users_transform` (
      `user_id` VARCHAR(2147483647),
      `registration_time` BIGINT,
      `gender` VARCHAR(2147483647),
      `regionid` VARCHAR(2147483647)
    WITH (
      'changelog.mode' = 'append',
      'connector' = 'confluent',
      'kafka.cleanup-policy' = 'delete',
      'kafka.max-message-size' = '2097164 bytes',
      'kafka.retention.size' = '0 bytes',
      'kafka.retention.time' = '7 d',
      'key.format' = 'json-registry',
      'scan.bounded.mode' = 'unbounded',
      'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
      'value.format' = 'json-registry'