Use Private Network Interface for Freight Cluster on Confluent Cloud

Confluent Private Network Interface (PNI), powered by AWS Elastic Network Interface (ENI), enables you to attach an ENI from your AWS account to a network service in the Confluent AWS account. This allows you to access Confluent Cloud services, such as Freight clusters, through the ENI that resides in your AWS account.

Confluent PNIs operate across AWS accounts, not just across VPCs as AWS ENIs do. Otherwise, Confluent PNIs retain all properties and behaviors of AWS ENIs, including the security rules you defined through security groups.

The security groups applied to PNIs control the source and type of inbound and outbound traffic allowed between your environment and Confluent Cloud services. You can leverage your existing security operations to create, apply, and track changes to these security groups.


Confluent Cloud uses the following private networking resources for PNI.

A gateway is a resource that represents a connectivity type to and from Confluent Cloud services. It is created within an environment for the region and zone(s) you choose. The PNI gateway allows you to connect to Confluent Cloud services, such as Freight clusters, hosted in a given environment and region, from your network.
Access point
An access point is a resource that represents a connection instance to a gateway and must match the type of the gateway it connects to. An access point of type PNI consists of a set of AWS ENIs in the same cloud region as the gateway, carrying traffic to and from Confluent Cloud services. The PNI access point provides you with a connection to services like Freight clusters, hosted in a specific environment and region, from your network.

The high-level workflow is:

  1. In Confluent Cloud, create a gateway.

  2. In AWS, create ENIs.

    Confluent Cloud provides a script that you can use to automate this process. The script is downloadable at the beginning of the next step, where you create an access point.

  3. In Confluent Cloud, create an access point by sharing the ENIs created in the previous step.

Requirements and considerations

  • You need to create 51 ENIs and assign network interface permissions to them as described in Create ENIs. This ensures that the network layer can support scaling operations without becoming a bottleneck for the service.

  • Currently, ENIs need to be created by the user with the minimum EC2 permissions. Create or use an IAM role in your AWS account, attach policies that allow lifecycle management of network interfaces.

    The following is an example policy:

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
  • The ENIs you create in your AWS account must be in the same Availability Zone and have the same AZ ID as the zones in Confluent Cloud.

Create a gateway

In order for Confluent Cloud clusters to be able to leverage PNI for inbound connectivity, create a gateway to enable connectivity.

To create a gateway:

  1. In the Confluent Cloud Console, select an environment for the PNI.
  2. In the Network management tab in the environment, click For serverless products.
  3. Click + Add gateway configuration.
  4. Select the Private network interface card to select the type of gateway configuration, and click Continue.
  5. Click + Create configuration.
  6. On the Configure gateway sliding panel, enter the following information.
    • Gateway name
    • Cloud provider: AWS
    • Region
    • Zones
  7. Click Submit.

Create ENIs

In AWS, create the ENIs along with IP address and security group. For PNI, you need a minimum of 51 ENIs.

Create ENIs using AWS CLI

Create ENIs using the script

You can access the script to create ENIs from the Confluent Cloud Console in the Create an access point workflow.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste the following code into a file and name it You need to have AWS CLI installed to run the script:

# Check if 10 arguments are given (3 subnets, 3 base IPs, 1 security group, 1 AWS account, 1 AWS region, 1 num pni per subnet)
if [ "$#" -ne 10 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <subnet-id1> <base-ip1> <subnet-id2> <base-ip2> <subnet-id3> <base-ip3> <security-group-id> <aws-account-id> <aws-region> <num_pni_per_subnet>>"
    echo "Example: ./ subnet-00000000000000001 subnet-00000000000000002 subnet-00000000000000003 sg-9999999999999999 012345678901 eu-west-1 17"
    exit 1

# Assigning arguments to readable variables
subnet_ids=($1 $3 $5)
base_ips=($2 $4 $6)

# Initialize an array to store successful NetworkInterfaceIds

for i in 0 1 2; do # Adjusted to correct array indexing
    ip_prefix=$(echo $base_ip | cut -d '.' -f 1-3)
    last_octet=$(echo $base_ip | cut -d '.' -f 4)

    for j in $(seq 1 $num_pni); do
        next_ip_last_octet=$((last_octet + j))
        if [ $next_ip_last_octet -le 255 ]; then
            echo "Skipping IP $ip_prefix.$next_ip_last_octet - exceeds valid range."

        description="Confluent PNI-sub-${i}-eni-$j"

        create_ni_output=$(aws ec2 create-network-interface \
          --subnet-id $subnet_id \
          --description "$description" \
          --groups $security_group_id \
          --private-ip-address $next_ip \
          --tag-specifications "ResourceType=network-interface,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$tag}]" \
          --region $aws_region)

        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            network_interface_id=$(echo $create_ni_output | jq -r '.NetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId')
            echo "Created network interface $network_interface_id with IP $next_ip"

            aws ec2 create-network-interface-permission \
              --network-interface-id $network_interface_id \
              --permission INSTANCE-ATTACH \
              --aws-account $aws_account_id \
              --region $aws_region

            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                echo "Permission set for $network_interface_id"
                echo "Failed to set permission for $network_interface_id"

            echo "Failed to create network interface for $next_ip"

# Convert the array of NetworkInterfaceIds to a comma-separated string
network_interface_ids_str=$(IFS=, ; echo "${created_network_interface_ids[*]}")

# Describing the security group rules
echo "Describing security group rules for group ID: $security_group_id"
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids $security_group_id --region $aws_region --output table --no-cli-pager

# Emit the comma-separated list of NetworkInterfaceIds
echo "All created NetworkInterfaceIds with above security group: $network_interface_ids_str"

Run the script with the following 10 arguments. The script creates 17 ENIs in each subnet, 51 total ENIs.

  • 3 pairs of subnets and base IPs
  • 1 security group ID
  • 1 AWS account ID
  • 1 AWS region
  • 1 number of ENIs per subnet

For example:

./ \
  subnet-00000000000000001 \
  subnet-00000000000000002 \
  subnet-00000000000000003 \
  sg-9999999999999999 \
  012345678901 \
  eu-west-1 \

The following is the script to create ENIs. Name the script and pass the arguments listed above:

Create ENIs manually using the AWS CLI

Using AWS CLI, create each ENI as follows:

  1. Create a network interface using the create-network-interface (AWS CLI) command.

    For example:

    aws ec2 create-network-interface \
      --subnet-id subnet-00000000000000001 \
      --description "PNI" \
      --groups sg-9999999999999999 \
  2. Provide the above ENI with the permission to be attached and the Confluent Cloud AWS account using the create-network-interface-permission (AWS CLI) command.

    For example:

    aws ec2 create-network-interface-permission \
      --network-interface-id eni-123456789 \
      --permission INSTANCE-ATTACH \
      --aws-account 010335427113

Create ENIs using Terraform

The following is a sample code to create an ENI and the permission to be attached:
Terraform Code (
variable "subnet_ids" {
  type = list(string)
  description = "List of subnet IDs where network interfaces will be created"

variable "base_ips" {
  type = list(string)
  description = "List of base IPs for each subnet"

variable "security_group_id" {
  type = string
  description = "The security group ID to attach to the network interfaces"

variable "aws_account_id" {
  type = string
  description = "AWS Account ID for setting network interface permission"

variable "aws_region" {
  type = string
  description = "The AWS region where resources will be created"

variable "num_pni_per_subnet" {
  type = number
  description = "Number of private network interfaces per subnet"

provider "aws" {
  region = var.aws_region

resource "aws_network_interface" "pni" {
  count = sum([for i in range(length(var.subnet_ids)) : var.num_pni_per_subnet])

  subnet_id       = element(var.subnet_ids, count.index / var.num_pni_per_subnet)
  private_ips     = [cidrhost(cidrsubnet(element(var.base_ips, count.index / var.num_pni_per_subnet), 0, count.index % var.num_pni_per_subnet + 1), 0)]
  security_groups = [var.security_group_id]

  tags = {
    Name = "Confluent-PNI-sub-${count.index / var.num_pni_per_subnet}-eni-${count.index % var.num_pni_per_subnet + 1}"

resource "aws_network_interface_permission" "pni_permit" {
  count = sum([for i in range(length(var.subnet_ids)) : var.num_pni_per_subnet])

  network_interface_id = aws_network_interface.pni[count.index].id
  permission           = "INSTANCE-ATTACH"
  account_id           = var.aws_account_id

Variable Definitions ( terraform.tfvars)
subnet_ids = ["subnet-00000000000000001", "subnet-00000000000000002", "subnet-00000000000000003"]
base_ips = ["", "", ""]
security_group_id = "sg-9999999999999999"
aws_account_id = "012345678901"
aws_region = "eu-west-1"
num_pni_per_subnet = 17

Create an access point

Create a Confluent Cloud access point that represents a PNI connection.

  1. In the Network Management tab of the desired Confluent Cloud environment, click the For serverless products tab.
  2. Click the gateway to which you want to add this access point.
  3. In the Access points tab, click Add access point.
  4. Follow the guided steps to specify the field values:
    1. Specify the name of the access point.
    2. Create ENIs.
    3. Specify the IDs of the ENIs that you created in the previous step.
    4. Enter the AWS account ID where the ENIs were created.
    5. Click Submit.